Today we were breaking down and loading out after a shoot and I had to stop for a moment and capture this photo because it amused my imagination.
We were breaking down this huge cardboard box that an IKEA couch came in. In order to break it down to manageable pieces to bring out for recycling, all three of us in the Art Dept got involved in the breakdown.
Samita was dissembling the box into into medium pieces, Anna was cutting them into smaller pieces and putting them into piles, and I was taping them up all in rapid-fire assembly line style.
I joked that it was like we were harvesting wheat or putting together bales of hay.
Sort of like this, yes. This is Jean-Francois Millet's "The Gleaners" which is at the Musee D'Orsay. ( everything you ever wanted to know about this painting here.)